Quark Productions

Who are we?

Quark is a documentary film production society created in 1994. For television, theaters and on the web, the movies produced by Quark stand up for an ambitious idea of creation and filmmaking.


. The good life
Marion Gervais
. The skate park gang
Marion Gervais
. Cholesterol, the big bluff
Anne Georget
. Hugo Pratt, line for line
Thierry Thomas
. Justice for Tchad
Anne Poiret
Bernard Laurent-Zopf & Ronan Sinquin
. Fear over the City
Pauline Horovitz
. Welcome to Refugeestan
Anne Poiret
. Buster Keaton - A genius brought down by Hollywood
Jean-Baptiste Péretié

. The sociologist and the bear cub
Etienne Chaillou & Mathias Théry
. Land in pieces
Ariane Doublet
. Too Black to be French?
Isabelle Boni-Claverie
. The Grand Masters of the Chauvet cave
Christian Tran

. Thief's wife
Manon Kleynjans
. When France occupied Germany
Tania Rakhmanova
. I've dreamt of Europe
. Love your neighbour
Etienne Chaillou & Mathias Théry
. Anaïs goes to war
Marion Gervais

. Happiness
Thomas Balmès
. Butcher Boy
Florian Geyer
. Castles in Spain
Pauline Horovitz
. State Builders
Florence Martin-Kessler & Anne Poiret
. Pike, just like the fish
Anne Brochet
. mødern påpå
Andrés Jarach

. mödern cøuple
Andrés Jarach & Lucia Sanchez
. I've dreamt of the President
Etienne Chaillou & Mathias Théry
. Lev's America
Levni Yilmaz

. Big girls don't cry
Pauline Horovitz
. Sleepiness. When your brain has a mind of its own.
Maryse Bergonzat
. When a man asks to die
Anne Georget
. Run for your job!
Clarisse Feletin
. Barcode
30 réalisateurs
. Rain or Shine
Ariane Doublet
. Exercises in vanishing
Claudio Pazienza

. Bollywood Boulevard
Camille Ponsin
. Women drivers
Brigitte Chevet
. The Beauties and the Beasts
Lucia Sanchez
. A TV in the baby bottle
Anne Georget
. The Judge and the Dioxin Case
Clarisse Feletin

. A Normal Life. Chronicle of a sumo wrestler.
Jill Coulon
. Fevers
Ariane Doublet
. Cut Up
50 réalisateurs
. Ethics
Anne Georget

. I wish I love no one
Marie Dumora
. The Caste Struggle
Florence Martin-Kessler
. The right way
Jarmila Buzkova
. Inside the industrial tribunal
Jenny Keguiner

. The Ghost of Jenny M.
Maryam Goormaghtigh
. The true adventures of married life
Anne Villacèque
. Mina's recipe book, Terezin 1944
Anne Georget

. Voyage in G major
Georgi Lazarevski
. Bloody gene
Anne Georget
. The democratic revolutionary handbook
Tania Rakhmanova
. Goddamn Adolescence!
Négar Zoka

. The New House
Ariane Doublet
. Grandpa-Grandma
Michaël Lheureux
. How Putin came to power
Tania Rakhmanova
. The best intentions
Jean-Marc La Rocca
. College Girls
Marie Gaumy
. Vercingetorix
Jérôme Prieur
. Runaways
Anne Georget

. Smoking Kills
Andrés Jarach
. Joachim Kühn. Don't disturb my groove!
Anne Peyrègne

. The Sugar boys of Colleville
Ariane Doublet
. Heroic Cinematograph
Agnès de Sacy & Laurent Véray
. Consultants. Up or Out.
Laurent Salters
. Hey! Girls
Anne Villacèque
. Seeking asylum
Anne Georget
. No limit
Anne Villacèque

. Beijing Love
Olivier Horn
. Without you
Anne Georget
. Can we live here?
Sylvaine Dampierre

. Our beasts
Ariane Doublet
. Ouarzazate Movie
Ali Essafi
. Nezha the servant
Anne Villacèque
. Forget me if you can
Martine Robert

. You are not an angel
Marie Dumora
. Down to earth
Ariane Doublet
. Can't wait for school!
Patrick Benquet
. Perlita's 15th birthday
Bernard Corteggiani

. Nam
Bernard Seny
. Love and fresh air
Jenny Keguiner
. Visitors to the Louvre
Olivier Horn
. Can't wait for Monday!
Gérard Chouchan

. The misfortunes of virtue
Anne Villacèque
. The Judges' Factory
Julie Bertuccelli
. Barbara, you're not guilty...
Solveig Anspach

. Maharajah Burger
Thomas Balmès
. Two Conductors
Juliette Sénik
. Life and Death of Algerian Journalists
Merzak Allouache

. Bosnia Hotel
Thomas Balmès
. 3 love stories of Vanessa
Anne Villacèque
. In the fisher's net
Gérard Chouchan

. Nurses (Emergency Ward)
Jenny Keguiner

. The heart breathed its last
Jean-François Dars & Anne Papillault